Meet Mugwort, the Artemisia vulgaris. This has been used traditionally in Europe and parts of Asia and Africa to reach higher consciousness and even the illusive realms beyond our day to day lives through enhancing our ability to dream. Thujone, a the compound found in Mugwort that affects the central nervous system, is shown to stimulate the brain during these restful hours while heightening sensory experiences with vivid dreams. Opening these senses interactes with GABA receptors in the brain and astoundingly it allows mugwort to play a role in regulating neuronal excitability so the door for lucid dreams, or conscious dreaming, becomes much easier to walk through.
In these realms if we become lucid, or luminous with ourselves in the moment, we understand where we are and that the limits are only our own creativity. We are all even awake just elements creating themselves in a dreamt realm of our imagined reality. Perception creates our solidity in ideas of reality, but without that we are all the same. The greatest beings still eventually come to rest so thus when we sleep all things are processed together in the collective subconscious to be integrated into our memory of all things. With better sleep comes a brighter day, for our soul has now brightened in the reuniting of us and the infinite. Do more with more energy and retain the joys of the life.
Shown medicinally for ages to be potent with teas and smoking blends for this magical moment of awakening through sleep, we also find it flowering our potential in vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A and C support your immune, skin, vision and have antioxidant properties. calcium is crucial for bone health and muscle function which pairs with its magnesium helping muscles and the nervous system. You also see iron which is necesarry for the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Mugwort is the genuine graceful combination of mind and body for the blissful grace of purer sleep.