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Trade Omoni For Free Drops

Lil Farma Omni Orbnis-1.png
The Calm Package Omni Orbnis-2.png
Omni Logos-1 (2)_edited.png

Find Orbnis to Unlock More Omni

Pointing Positive Omni Orbnis-31.png
Open the Gates Orbnis-47.png
Orbni Orbnis-39.png
Homni Omni Orbnis-4.png
Divination Orbnis-53.png
Omni Logos-1 (7).png

All Circles are Orbnis to Enter

Share Omni to Grow Together

Spicy Water Omni Orbnis-14.png

Zesty Radiance

Free Trees Friday Omni Orbnis-34.png
The Gathering Omni Orbnis-35 (1).png
Pointing Positive Omni Orbnis-31.png
Colluseum of Game Omni Orbnis-37 (1).png
Light Wave Omni Orbnis-36.png

Momentum of Love

10% of our profits go directly to restoring our earth and the community with Free Fridays. Earn double points and win creator drops on every Friday as we gather again!

Omnipotent Tea Omni Orbnis-12.png

Signature Blend

Holy Basil Omni Orbnis-11.png

Ancient Peace

Omoni Echange Omni Orbnis-33.png

Trading & Bartering

Our daily updated stock market of all things. Buy using a simple formula having the highest inventory creations cost the least. Its our hotspot for any creators rays to shine.

Weekly Forecast Orbnis-54.png

All Things Energy

The central for updates in culture, astrology, and becomings across the internet.

Feel Natural Energy

We offer nutrient dense and adaptotgenic, or naturally hormone balancing herbs available from all across the globe

Omni Logos-1 (7).png

Money Making Itself

We bring the creator directly to the customer by giving you Omoni, or the "like" as a currency you can give to anyone. Earn free coins on our site and take home your favorite creations or even full Calm Packages while leaving gifts to support the homnis. 

omni - all; of all things 

an imagicnation of imagery that believes the infinite exists.

Homni Omni Logos-6-Omni Logo Black (1).png

this is omni

Divination Orbnis-53.png

Get Answers

Read into the currents running through life with an astrology, tarot, runic, or oracle reading.

Spirulina Omni Orbnis-9.png

Vitalized Balance

Gotu Kola Omni Orbnis-7.png

Elevated Synergy

Bacopa Omni Orbnis-8.png

Connected Mind

Black Maca Omni Orbnis-10.png

Power Player

Explore the Universe Orbni-56.png

Daily Wellness

Nutrition, exercises, fun to be had and ideas to meditate  in weekly alignment with

The Calm Package and current astrological array.

Be a ho Orbnis-40.png
Be Creator Omni Orbnis-30.png
Orbni Orbnis-39.png

All the Homnis

Orbnis are systems of energy on the site you can join to chill with the Homnis and even showcase your passions to exchange even more Omoni.

Omnicademy Orbnis-44 (1).png

Free Education

Fun and free forever, this is the culmination of all learning on Omni as a resource for everyone.

Ginger Omni Orbnis-28.png

Spicy Savior

Blue Lotus Omni Orbnis-21.png

Enchanted Euphoria

Lavender Omni Orbnis-13.png

Low Key Tranquility

Jasmine Omni Orbnis-18.png

Uplifted Serenity

Earl Grey Omni Orbnis-20.png

Elegant Invigoration

Hibiscus Omni Orbnis-19 (1).png

Refreshing Vibrancy

Kowablenda Omni Orbnis-17.png

Harmonious Bliss

Damiana Omni Orbnis-14.png

Playful Motivation

Mullein Omni Orbnis-23.png

Elevated Zen

Darjeeling Omni Orbnis-28.png

Awakening Seranade

Turmeric Omni Orbnis-15 (1).png

Enhanced Soothing

Mugwort Omni Orbnis-15.png

Awakening Dreams

Blue Dream Catcher Omni Orbnis-13.png

Remember Dreams

Mullein Omni Orbnis-22.png

Lung Love

Peace Potion Orbni-57.png

Centered Strength

Lil Farma Omni Orbnis-1.png

Nature's Medicine

Get herbal nutrition by the gram in an ever changing market for the first time any where

Solving World Hunger

Customize a unique Calm Package to ship herbs and creations out on a day you choose. It all starts with fully encompassing nutrition in 4 adaptogenic Herbs nestled next to your choice of tea all prepared how you like it. The creations are yours to find!

Manifest Creations

Want to create an Orbni of your own? We'd love to see what you have cooked! Join us today as a creator to tap into the infinite of your ideas potential.

Always Growing
Tell a Friend Orbnis-48.png

We Love You

We offer this safe place to reach out and anonymously tell a friend by tapping the Orbni above.

Have Ideas?

We always want to know inspirations. If you find an idea or a bug we'd love to hear it! Donations also give the team smiles and super powers to make miracles :)

Donations Orbnis-42.png
Submit Idea Orbnis-43.png
Omni Logos-1 (2)_edited.png

Omniinc 1.0

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