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All Circles are Orbnis

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Tap Them to Go Deeper

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We Love You

Our team is dedicated to giving anything we can to help. If you are struggling with life we offer this safe place to reach out and tell a friend by tapping the Orbni above. All responses are confidential and anonymous so feel free to be yourself :)

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Momentum of Love

All Omni herbal sales point directly to positive solutions which is why 10% of our profits go directly back to the community with charity Free Fridays. Earn double points and win creator drops while we give restoration to the earth and Calm Packages to the hungry. Every Friday we gather for another step in the positive direction. 

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Solving World Hunger

Simple, customizable, fully encompassing nutrition and all our creators shipped weekly right to your door. Always have fresh nutrition with our 4 most potent herbs and the renowned Omni Potent Tulsi Tea. Plus any creations you found that week come cozied up with it on a day you pick.

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Feel Natural Energy

We offer nutrient dense and adaptotgenic, or naturally hormone balancing herbs available from all across the globe.  Its all available on our daily updated Omni Exchange so you can buy whatever you want by the gram for the first time any where. With biodegradable packaging, organic, free trade, or even wild grown herbs, Lil Farma is reducing waste and restoring our planets natural flow.

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Money That Makes Itself

We bring the creator directly to the customer by giving you Omoni, or the "like" as a currency you can give to anyone. Earn free coins on our site and take home your favorite creations at a discount while leaving gifts to support the homnis. With this, all will be able to make money just by being on the internet.

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Give All, Get All

Our daily updated stock market of all things. Buy using a simple formula having the highest inventory creations cost the least. Its our hotspot for any creators rays to shine.

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Log In to Connect With Members
View and follow other members, leave comments & more.

All the Homnis

Orbnis are systems of energy on the site you can join to chill with the Homnis and even showcase your passions to exchange even more Omoni.

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Answering it All

The central for updates in culture, astrology, and becomings across the internet. Have a deck of divination cards you've made? We're programming a free card reader for anyone to get access to guidance and would love to feature you!

The Forecast drops with Omniinc 1.2 so stay tuned!

Manifest Your Ideas

Want to create an Orbni of your own? We'd love to see what you have cooked! Join us today as a creator to tap into the infinite of your ideas potential.

What Should We Add Next?

We always want to know inspirations and new potentials for Omniinc. If you have an idea or find a bug to fix we'd love to hear it! Donations also give the team smiles and super powers to make miracles :)

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Always Growing
The Forecast
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Omniinc 1.0

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