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White Sage
  • White Sage

    Meet the legendary white sage or Salvia apiana. It heralds natively from Southern California and the Baja region but is known vastly as an herb of smoky purification. Waving a bowl or wand full of white sage after igniting it allows its essential oils to bring clarity like thujone which is known for its psychoactive qualities in large amounts. It rests alongside cineole or eucalyptol which brings the sharp purity in creation that its fellow carrier eucalyptus is known for. 

    Smoke itself releases free radicals into the air, or carcinogens as many of us have heard. These waft through the air and latch onto particles for their electrons are unpaired and looking for a balance as all things do. Thus is the meaning of life and thus white sage creates this meaning in its changing of environmental states. Our energy stays in the air we breathe if its not given equal opposite motion. Every breath is a movement of electricity magnetically vibrating infinite molecules and if we stay in static states we begin to inhale what we exhale.

    Cleansing rituals are vital to this change if we are to remain positively moving forward. White Sage combines ancient ritual with natural phenenomena to direct this flow into a clean and happy space. Its important to state exactly what you want to bring in, simply opening the windows and letting all vibrations raise as you shine out from your every being. Peace, love, joy, enlightenment, your will decides your fate. The plants that grow with us know these ancient truths and are here to help.

    Feel free to also mix white sage into herbal blends as its antioxidating flavonoids prevent oxidative stress and cell break down which causes aging. Apigenin and luteolin both help reduce stress while protecting your brains neurons so in water, fire or air white sage keeps you grounded.

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